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The global market for such transactions is referred to as the forex or FX market. Forward The pre-specified exchange rate for a foreign Forex news exchange contract settling at some agreed future date, based on the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.

forex meaning

Knock-outs Option that nullifies a previously bought option if the underlying product trades a certain level. When a knock-out level is traded, the underlying option ceases to exist and any hedging may have to be unwound. All exchange rates are susceptible to political instability and anticipations about the new ruling party. Political upheaval and instability can have a negative impact on a nation’s economy. For example, destabilization of coalition governments in Pakistan and Thailand can negatively affect the value of their currencies. Similarly, in a country experiencing financial difficulties, the rise of a political faction that is perceived to be fiscally responsible can have the opposite effect.

Major Currency Codes On The Forex

Like many financial markets, when you open a forex position you’ll be presented with two prices. If you want to open a long position, you trade at the buy price, which is slightly above the market price.

  • Learn to read candlestick patterns so you will be able to identify reversal signals.
  • Next, you need to develop a trading strategy based on your finances and risk tolerance.
  • The forward points reflect only the interest rate differential between two markets.
  • During the 4th century AD, the Byzantine government kept a monopoly on the exchange of currency.

It has no central physical location, yet the forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world by trading volume, with trillions of dollars changing hands every day. Most of the trading is done through banks, brokers, and financial institutions. There are three different types of Foreign Exchange trading, known as the spot market, the futures market and the forwards market. The spot market is currently the largest of these three markets as it is the what the forwards and futures markets rely on for their pricing and structure.


A short trade consists of a bet that the currency pair’s price will decrease in the future. Traders can also use trading strategies based on technical analysis, such as breakout and moving average, to fine-tune their approach to trading. In addition to DotBig forwards and futures, options contracts are also traded on certain currency pairs. Forex options give holders the right, but not the obligation, to enter into a forex trade at a future date and for a pre-set exchange rate, before the option expires.

forex meaning

As an example, trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $6.6 trillion per day in 2019, according to the Bank for International Settlements . A trader thinks that the European Central Bank will be easing its monetary policy in the coming months as the Eurozone’s economy slows. As a result, the trader bets that the euro will fall against the U.S. dollar and sells short €100,000 at an exchange rate of 1.15. Over the next several weeks the ECB signals that it may indeed ease its monetary policy. That causes the exchange rate for the euro to fall to 1.10 versus the dollar. Unlike the rest of the foreign exchange market, forex futures are traded on an established exchange, primarily the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.