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Detox is usually done at an inpatient treatment center or a hospital. “Is there a cure for alcoholism” is a common question among many, including those dealing with addiction as well as loved ones and friends who might be trying to help someone with the disease. Though there may be no easy “cure” for alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, the condition is treatable.

  • A friend of hers quickly became alarmed and forced her to check into a psychiatric hospital, where she stayed for four hellish weeks.
  • In 2004, he started taking small, and then increasing doses of the drug.
  • You have alcohol withdrawal.When you stop drinking, you have symptoms such as nausea, sweating, or shakiness or you feel restless, anxious, or depressed.
  • Our substance use specialist Dr. Kelli Wright will work with you to form a strategy that allows you to live the best life possible.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous is available almost everywhere and provides a place to openly and non-judgmentally discuss alcohol problems with others who have alcohol use disorder.
  • Consume alcohol often, in large amounts or start early in life.

The main treatment for alcoholism is to stop drinking alcohol. Most people who are alcoholics still feel a strong desire for alcohol even after they stop drinking. Naltrexone and Nalmefene are both approved for treating addiction-related problems by the FDA. Your medication with The Sinclair Treatment would consist of taking Naltrexone every day for as long as alcohol is a part of your life. Some providers may also offer monthly injections with a time-released formula.

Residential Inpatient Treatment

If you get any of these side effects, tell your doctor. They may change your treatment or suggest ways you can deal with the side effects. There may be special centers in your area that offer this kind of treatment.

Is sweating good for the liver?

When your body sweats, it releases water, sodium chloride, and potassium — and really nothing else. A few water-soluble toxins may be released, but the fat-soluble toxins remain intact. Your liver and kidneys are the ones doing the REAL detox work in your body, not your sweat glands.

If necessary, patients may receive intravenous fluids, vitamins, and other medications to treat hallucinations or other symptoms caused by withdrawal. Though at-risk and binge drinking can result in a range of adverse consequences, not all people who engage in these kinds of unhealthy alcohol use have alcohol use disorder. Current pharmaceutical options for AUD attempt to change behavior by making alcohol consumption an unpleasant experience and some require patients to abstain for several days before beginning treatment.


Adding either Revia or Vivitrol or specialized alcohol counseling to medical management almost doubled the chance to do well. Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. This medication discourages alcohol use by causing uncomfortable symptoms including nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting when alcohol is consumed. Consumption of alcohol can disturb the balance of certain chemicals in the brain.

  • These include depression, fear of being left alone, abuse and other emotional baggage they have been carrying for years.
  • Vivitrol is an injected form of the drug that your doctor can give you once a month.
  • AA offers a sober peer group and is built around 12 steps as an effective model for achieving total abstinence.
  • The FDA approved the use of naltrexone to treat alcohol use disorders in 1994.
  • Today the treatment is supported by more than one hundred published clinical trials.
  • The Sinclair Method is offering a way for addicts to get their life back.

The sooner you recognize there may be a problem and talk to your healthcare provider, the better your recovery chances. But, she adds, there’s a lot of concern in medical communities when it comes to giving it to people who drink heavily because of the drug/alcohol interaction, as well as potential overdoses. None of her colleagues in the UK, she says, would prescribe as high a dosage as is currently prescribed in France. Associations of former addicts lobbied hard, but it remained a tough sell – until now. As it turned out, the side-effects experienced by Blaise were brutal. He developed both psychotic and manic behaviors, couldn’t sleep, had night sweats, muscle spasms, and his sense of taste and hearing changed.

Is There a Cure for Alcoholism?

The other issue is that those who drink a lot are not necessarily alcoholics, so they may not undergo alcohol withdrawal. In addition, some people may not experience severe cravings and so on. Residential can alcoholism be cured treatment programs typically include licensed alcohol and drug counselors, social workers, nurses, doctors, and others with expertise and experience in treating alcohol use disorder.

can alcoholism be cured

They may have drinking-related legal problems, such as repeated arrests for driving while intoxicated. They may have relationship problems related to their drinking. Alcoholics Anonymous is available almost everywhere and provides a place to openly and non-judgmentally discuss alcohol problems with others who have alcohol use disorder.