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Seeing examples of people who have found success often inspires customers, and helps them believe that they can find success as well by signing up. In this post, you learned about the proven structure of a powerful testimonial, as well as the essential ingredients needed to turn good testimonials into great ones. Ramit does a good job minimizing pressure by providing a template when he asks someone for a testimonial.

  • Taking advantage of positive reviews on recommendation platforms and social media sites is a great strategy for finding customer testimonials.
  • On the other hand, if specifics about someone’s work or professional attributes are specifically noted, it stands out.
  • By placing the call-to-action right by the testimonial, Salesforce makes it easy for the potential customer to sign up and start using the platform.
  • No matter how compelling your copy, how well-edited your photos, or how glamourous your videos might be, all other marketing pales into insignificance compared to testimonials and reviews.
  • Henneke teaches complicated concepts in a simple way and helps you sail through the course pain-free.
  • Glowing customer reviews provide your audience with social proof – the idea that if so many people are loving your product, it must actually be good.

While you may not strike gold every time, one good piece of content can quickly make all the failed ones worthwhile. Plus, having a testimonial page serves as yet another indexed page on your website. It contains content covering product features, pain points, and keywords your marketing team is trying to rank for in search. When potential customers are researching you online, they’re getting to know you through the content on your website. So understandably, many of them might be skeptical or hesitant to trust you right away.

Testimonials Vs Reviews: Whats The Difference?

Secondly, placing these amongst your design and other website content allows them to be market your product for you when you are telling your product or brand story. Social media & influencer testimonials – The stories of renowned or famous persons and companies make your testimonials easy and quick to trust. So, many web designers also directly cite their testimonials from social media experts, industry influencers and renowned companies to encourage potential buyers to take action. Our team of over 450+ marketing experts is ready to help you obtain and post customer testimonials. With over 1,020 client testimonials, you can feel confident we’ll help you manage your reputation. Customer testimonials add a second layer of confidence when it comes to buyers making a selection — helping you better sell your products. You could continuously tell your target audience how your products or services are the best, but it doesn’t mean you’ll convince them of it.


Also provide the customers’ full name, their business’s website and logo if applicable, and photos of them using the product to add authenticity and credibility. You could even ask influencers to write a blog post for their own website that reviews your product or services, plus the tips they learned through working with you. This gets your business in front of even more readers and prospective target clients. Reviews are usually submitted by website users to share their experiences or how they feel about your product or service. But these are usually written by customers with a rating and curated in a reviews section, for visitors to read the experience from other customers. Audio & video axitrader reviews – Audio and video testimonials are another popular way to tell customer stories through vivid audio and video messages.

How Do Marketing Leaders Get Customers To Do Testimonials?

On our own testimonials page, HubSpot features enthusiastic customer reviews — alongside a note if that customer switched to HubSpot from a different software brand. This testimonial works specifically because of the customer’s reservations. Jeanine doesn’t hesitate to share that she doubted Briogeo’s products would deliver results. In the same way, try to get your customers to tell you whether they doubted your company and how you exceeded their expectations.


The design is also minimal and is suited to pages with lots of white space. Of course, fake are not recommended if you don’t want to cause trouble. Select the right type of testimonial according to your needs and situation, you can always mix and match to find the right balance. They can see how people like their different product boxes, which can help more consumers decide the boxes are right for them. With so many competitors in your market, your audience spends a lot of time weighing their options to determine what’s best for them.

Agency Testimonials

Its Forex are located on the bottom of the home page and have been presented with a splendid auto-playing slider. Three experts’ testimonies are rotated through automatically when visitors scroll down to this testimonial section. With client testimonials, you can prove that you’re the best at what you do and get more people to convert. That’s all it takes to convince Erza that this product is right for her. Customer testimonials serve as a powerful medium for showing customers the value of your product from the perspective of others. Even if you can’t recall a specific exceptional testimonial you’ve seen, you can likely imagine one based on this list. With that in mind, let’s look at some of our favorite testimonials, so you can see those qualities in action.

Where Does A Content Marketer Use Testimonials?

It’s effective because you’ll be striking the iron while it’s still hot. You’ve achieved something together; the next natural step is to share that with other potential customers. When you ask for a testimonial, you can let them know you’ll be providing a backlink and pushing out the testimonial via your social media channels. This sort of publicity may win you a “yes” when you’re requesting . What your customers say can impact the effectiveness of the testimonial on your prospects. By posing effective testimonial questions, you’re challenging your customer to get closer to the heart of why they’re satisfied with your service. In doing so, their testimonial is much more likely to resonate with prospects who may “see themselves” in the review.

They’ll first need to sniff around for proof that your company is credible and that your product will resolve their problems or satisfy their needs. Happy customers are gold for your business, not just because they buy but also because they add value to your marketing strategy. I never saw myself as a writer, but in my early forties, I learned how to write and discovered the joy of writing. Now, I’d like to empower you to find your voice, share your ideas and inspire your audience. Generic testimonials can work – especially when they’re from well-known people. They have a similar effect as displaying logos of well-known companies that have hired you. Hi Henneke, great point about not hiding testimonials on a low traffic page.

Testimonial Examples You Can And Should Use To Drive More Sales

Podcast A podcast where we show you how to stand out in a world where people are already inundated with content. You’ll learn how to create lifelong fans who hang on your every word — so you never have to break through the noise again. By implementing the right timing and placement, you seem like a mind-reader, axi trader review answering the questions and objections of your prospects, moving them one step further in your sales process. The details in this testimonial example help you envision what it’s like to work with me. A potential client thinking about hiring me doesn’t have to guess how this other client benefited.

Mishin Testimonial

When you jump to his page, you’ll notice that video testimonials fill the entire page. Video testimonials are one of the most trustworthy forms of testimonial because it’s difficult to fake one that looks authentic. Drill down on your customer persona.Who are you specifically trying to reach?